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Lista de trabajos en el área de comportamiento recientemente publicados por investigadores del Cono Sur - Marzo 2019


Abraham, S., Rodríguez, C., Oviedo, A., Murúa, G., Rull, J., 2018. Expulsion and consumption of male ejaculates by promiscous female Euxesta eluta and Euxesta mazorca (Diptera: Ulidiidae). Journal of Natural History 52, 1493–1508.


Degrati, M., Coscarella, M.A., Crespo, E.A., Dans, S.L., 2018. Dusky dolphin group dynamics and association patterns in Península Valdés, Argentina. Marine Mammal Science.


Drago, M., Franco-Trecu, V., Segura, A.M., Valdivia, M., González, E.M., Aguilar, A., Cardona, L., 2018. Mouth gape determines the response of marine top predators to long-term fishery-induced changes in food web structure. Scientific Reports 8.


Fava, G.A., Acosta, J.C., 2018. Escape distance and escape latency following simulated rapid bird attacks in an Andean lizard, Phymaturus williamsi. Behaviour 155, 861–881.


Gómez-Laich, A., Yoda, K., Quintana, F., 2018. Insights into the foraging behavior of magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). Waterbirds 41, 332–336.


González-Olivares, E., Valenzuela-Figueroa, S., Rojas-Palma, A., 2018. A simple Gause-type predator–prey model considering social predation. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.


Irigoyen, A.J., De Wysiecki, A.M., Trobbiani, G., Bovcon, N., Awruch, C.A., Argemi, F., Jaureguizar, A.J., 2018. Habitat use, seasonality and demography of an apex predator: Sevengill shark Notorynchus cepedianus in Northern Patagonia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 603, 147–160.


Kahilainen, K.K., Thomas, S.M., Harrod, C., Hayden, B., Eloranta, A.P., 2018. Trophic ecology of piscivorous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in subarctic lakes with contrasting food-web structures. Hydrobiologia.


Lucherini, M., Guerisoli, M.D.L.M., Luengos Vidal, E.M., 2018. Surplus killing by pumas Puma concolor: rumours and facts. Mammal Review 48, 277–283.


Mattern, T., McPherson, M.D., Ellenberg, U., van Heezik, Y., Seddon, P.J., 2018. High definition video loggers provide new insights into behaviour, physiology, and the oceanic habitat of a marine predator, the yellow-eyed penguin. PeerJ 2018.


Milessi, A.C., De Wysiecki, A.M., Jaureguizar, A.J., 2018. Trophic ecology of young-of-the-year elasmobranchs in a critical habitat within the Río de la Plata outer estuarine waters. Austral Ecology.


Morera-Pujol, V., Ramos, R., Pérez-Méndez, N., Cerdà-Cuéllar, M., González-Solís, J., 2018. Multi-isotopic assessments of spatio-temporal diet variability: The case of two sympatric gulls in the western Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 606, 201–214.


Requier, F., Rome, Q., Chiron, G., Decante, D., Marion, S., Menard, M., Muller, F., Villemant, C., Henry, M., 2018. Predation of the invasive Asian hornet affects foraging activity and survival probability of honey bees in Western Europe. Journal of Pest Science.


Rodríguez-San Pedro, A., Chaperon, P.N., Beltrán, C.A., Allendes, J.L., Ávila, F.I., Grez, A.A., 2018. Influence of agricultural management on bat activity and species richness in vineyards of central Chile. Journal of Mammalogy 99, 1495–1502.


Urbina, A., Verdugo, J.A., López, E., Bergmann, J., Zaviezo, T., Flores, M.F., 2018. Searching behavior ofCryptolaemus montrouzieri (coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in response to mealybug sex pheromones. Journal of Economic Entomology 111, 1996–1999.


Zúñiga, A.H., Jiménez, J.E., 2018. Activity patterns and habitat use of pudu deer (Pudu puda) in a mountain forest of South-central Chile. Journal of Natural History 52, 2047–2054.



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